Pittsburgh’s Open Streets program, which resumes Sunday, is more than walking or biking on 4 miles of city streets with no traffic. It’s an open opportunity to try new and different things, whether it’s a space experience with the Moonshot Museum on the North Side, riding a unicycle at Allegheny Commons West or listening to new music at The Strip District Terminal.

Open Streets, coordinated by Bike Pittsburgh, operates from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on a course that begins at Brighton Avenue and West Ohio Street on the North Side and winds around part of Allegheny Commons, across the Andy Warhol Bridge and follows Fort Duquesne Boulevard and Smallman Street through the Strip District to 39th and Butler streets in Lawrenceville. The streets will be open without traffic, but controlled intersections will be open to allow cross traffic to move through the area.

Visitors will find three formal gathering spots: the Kids & Family Hub at Allegheny Commons, live music at the Strip District Terminal Arts & Culture Hub in the Strip, and the Health & Wellness Hub at Arsenal School in Lawrenceville.

But there’s also random fun along the way with pop-up activities that range from yoga to line dancing, a game of pickle ball or creating a silk screen through The Andy Warhol Museum. And many of the restaurants and stores on the route will have goodies for sale outside.

Here’s the full schedule.

Open Streets operates three times over the summer with a different course each time as a way to encourage people to engage in outdoor activities. If you miss Sunday’s event, the next one will be July 30.

Ed covers transportation at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but he's currently on strike. Email him at eblazina@unionprogress.com.

Ed Blazina

Ed covers transportation at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but he's currently on strike. Email him at eblazina@unionprogress.com.