After a city of Pittsburgh study found that 96% of motorists exceed the speed limit of 25 miles an hour on Hazelwood Avenue in Hazelwood, the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure will haul four speed humps beginning Wednesday.

The two-day traffic-calming project will result in humps being installed between Second Avenue and Greenfield Avenue. Data gathered by the department two years ago showed “a strong need” to reduce speed in the area, where one vehicle was recorded speeding at 86 miles an hour.

The work will be done between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, and temporary no parking signs will be posted. Wednesday’s work will be between Greenfield Avenue and Frank Street, while on Thursday work will be between Second Avenue and Gladstone Street.

During the work, traffic will be limited to one alternating lane opposite the lane under construction. Flaggers will be on duty to control traffic.

Crews also will install street signs and paint markings to warn drivers about the humps.

The PUP is the publication of the striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Pittsburgh Union Progress

The PUP is the publication of the striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.