Seven really is his number: Lucky, the eaglet nesting with parents Irvin and Claire near U.S. Steel’s Irvin Works plant, took his first flight, called fledging, Sunday morning.

U.S. Steel media relations representative Andrew Fulton reported the fledge and with it pointed out some interesting facts: Lucky is the seventh eaglet born at the nest near the U.S. Steel plant in West Mifflin. Lucky was born on April 7. Days from hatch to fledge: 77. A contest that benefited the Tamarack Wildlife Center in Saegertown to choose Lucky’s name raised $7,000.  

A successful first flight is only a step in Lucky’s journey, and the eaglet still has a long way to go, according to Fulton and Don German, plant manager. Lucky will remain at the nest while learning the finer points of flying and landing. Parents Irvin and Claire will teach Lucky how to hunt before the young eagle is ready to leave the nest.

 Click here to see Lucky’s fledge.

To keep up with Irvin, Claire and Lucky, click here to view the live eagle cam.

Helen is a copy editor at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but she's currently on strike. Contact her at

Helen Fallon

Helen is a copy editor at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but she's currently on strike. Contact her at