More than 3,000 donors have given to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette strikers over the past 21 months. They’ve helped strikers raise more than $797,000 to cover rent, unexpected expenses, groceries and much more. 

This is what they’re saying when they donate:

“Pittsburgh needs and deserves a strong newspaper, and the only way for us to have one is to settle this strike!”

— Brian O’Neill of Pittsburgh

“Sorry it’s not more $ — we just were on strike 19 days. But we WON our strike and so will you!!!! Solidarity from Philadelphia and PMA [Philadelphia Museum of Art] Union!!”

— Amanda Bock of Philadelphia

“I’m donating to support my brothers and sisters standing up for themselves. Stay strong!!!”

— M.L. Elrick of Detroit

“Solidarity with you all from a retired CWA [Communications Workers of America] member who is also a member of the National Writers Union and an associate UMWA [United Mine Workers of America] member. I’ll be mentioning you on my labor solidarity blog published from Salem, Oregon. I was active around Pittsburgh years ago.”

— Bob Rossi of Salem, Oregon

“This is a personal donation, but as APSCUF [Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties] California Chapter president I want you to know that we stand with you!”

— Mario Majcen of Pittsburgh

“Blessings to all that are experiencing this strike. I am so sorry that you are having to endure this challenge. Keep the faith!”

— Christine Ferguson of Pittsburgh

“My dad worked for the Post-Gazette for many years and I have a lot of wonderful memories of the newsroom and the reporters that made the PG an excellent American newspaper (and of handing out CWA pencils with you in the Labor Day parade).”

— Kelly Schmitz of Washington, D.C. 

“Stay union strong! My son is a member of IBEW [International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers] Local 5 electricians, as was my late father. Our family knows the value of  solidarity for our union brothers and sisters.”

— Karen Proch of Pittsburgh

“Standing in continued solidarity! Also the shirts are super cool. :)”

— Kira Yeversky of Pittsburgh

“In the words of Mother Jones, ‘You ain’t got a damn thing if you ain’t got a union!'”

— Lorraine Starsky of Pittsburgh

“I’ve canceled my PG online subscription and am donating that money to the union strike fund.”

— Mike Silverstein of Washington, D.C.

“My lawn sign is still in place and I’m boycotting the PG. Stay strong!”

— Jane Schuneman of East McKeesport

“Thanks to all of you who keep the PUP going and do the many other things to continue the strike.”

— John Lear of Indianapolis

“Supporting the PUP from a journalist’s mom all the way from California! You’re all amazing!!”

— Gail Cain of Brea, California

“Solidarity from a member of Florida Times-Union Guild, Jacksonville, Florida, who works remotely in West Virginia.”

— Beth Reese Cravey of Fairmont, West Virginia

You can always donate on that link at the top of the homepage for the Pittsburgh Union Progress. Or, for a donation of $20, you can get some cool PUP wag. We mean, swag.

Jon Schleuss in front of the U.S. Capitol

Jon Schleuss is the President of The NewsGuild-CWA, which represents the striking workers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Jon Schleuss

Jon Schleuss is the President of The NewsGuild-CWA, which represents the striking workers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.