With spring now officially on the books, it’s time to rev up major road work.

Here are projects starting in the next few days:

  • Parkway East – A long-term crossover that will shift traffic in both directions to one side of the highway between Penn Hills and Monroeville through the summer begins with prep work Friday. At 9 p.m., crews for Swank Construction Co. will start installing barriers to shift all traffic to one lane in each direction on the inbound side of the highway. Once the barriers are ready and new lines are painted on the road surface, expected sometime early Saturday, the outbound lanes will be closed and traffic will operate on two 11-foot lanes on the inbound side. That will allow crews to begin demolishing and replacing the bridge that crosses above Old William Penn Highway, first on the outbound side. Once the outbound side is finished, expected in mid-July, traffic will be shifted to the outbound side of the highway so that side can be replaced. The work is part of a $70.1 million improvement project between Churchill and Monroeville that will last until fall 2026.
  • Allegheny River Boulevard — Pennsylvania Department of Transportation crews have started daily maintenance work on the boulevard in Pittsburgh and Penn Hills that will cause traffic restrictions will through April. The work — cleaning up the shoulders and sides of the roads and clearing drains, among other work — will reduce traffic to one lane between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Flaggers will help motorists get through the area, but there will be delays. The work will prepare the road for seal coating later this spring.
  • Millers Run Road — The road in South Fayette will be closed at 7 a.m. Tuesday between Mohawk and Battle Ridge roads through mid-August while a bridge over Dolphin Run is replaced. Pugliano Construction Co. has a $1.9 million contract for the bridge, plus milling and paving the approach roadway, and improving drainage, guide rails and pavement markings. The bridge was closed in late 2022 until temporary repairs could be made after inspectors found advanced deterioration of the bridge. The recommended detour for traffic west of the bridge has motorists follow Millers Run Road westbound to Route 50, left on Route 50 and left on Millers Run Road. The detour for eastbound motorists is the opposite.

Ed covers transportation at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but he's currently on strike. Email him at eblazina@unionprogress.com.

Ed Blazina

Ed covers transportation at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but he's currently on strike. Email him at eblazina@unionprogress.com.